Package discogs2xlsx


Export your Discogs collection or wantlist into a xlsx file.

This tool will try to export your collection or wantlist from Discogs into a .xlsx file.


The time required to perform the export will depend on the size of your collection, or wantlist. Discogs requests to the API are throttled to 60 per minute for authenticated requests, for that reason for large collections, or wantlists, the export can take hours to perform.


There are a couple of things needed for the tool to work.

Python, version 3.9 or above, needs to be installed on your local computer. You will also need a Discogs account.


A Discogs user account is required (to obtain the ratings from). You can create an account at if you do not have one already.

A Discogs personal token is also required. You can obtain one at

For price recommendations (--prices option) the Discogs Seller Settings are required.

Python 3.x

Python version 3.9 or above is required for the tool to work. Python setup can be found here.

The following python modules are also required to run the tool:

  • progress >= 1.5
  • requests >= 2.25.1
  • xlsxwriter >= 3.0.0


The simplest way to install this tool is using pip:

pip3 install discogs2xlsx


A simple example of how to use this tool:

discogs2xlsx --token my_discogs_secret_token

List of all the options:

usage: discogs2xlsx [-h] [-c [{AUD,BRL,CAD,CHF,EUR,GBP,JPY,MXN,NZD,SEK,USD,ZAR}]] [--debug] [-d] [-f [FILE]] [-p] [-q]
                    -t [TOKEN] [-v] [-w]

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        currency for prices (default: EUR)
  --debug               debug mode (default: False)
  -d, --details         exports extra details (default: False)
  -f [FILE], --file [FILE]
                        output file name (default: discogs-collection.xlsx)
  -p, --prices          exports recommended prices (default: False)
  -q, --quiet           quiet mode (default: False)
  -t [TOKEN], --token [TOKEN]
                        discogs token (can also be set usibg the DISCOGS_TOKEN environment variable) (default: None)
  -v, --version         show program's version number and exit
  -w, --wantlist        exports the wantlist instead of the collection (default: False)


Discogs Seller Settings are required for the recommended prices option (-p --prices).